Gifts & Bonuses Speaker


Dr. Will Cole:

14 Life Altering Tips to Reclaim Your Health, Slow Down Aging & Lose Weight


Dr. Keesha Ewers: Solving the Autoimmune Puzzle


Dr. Trevor Cates:

Best and Worst Foods Cheat Sheet


Dr. Michelle Jorgensen:

Healthy Mouth, Healthy You!


Pam Costa:

Discussion guide for starting a group with your friends to talk about sex!


Josh Summers:

2 short practice videos and a 9-email series on Yin Yoga


Dr. Véronique Desaulniers:

Online program


Ryan Leier:

3 different yoga classes:

20 Minute Practice

45 Minute Practice

60 Minute Practice


Dr. Margaret Paul:

Dear God how can I heal so that I may love


Dr. Eno Nsima-Obot:

Dr. Eno’s proven strategies for optimal health and wellbeing


Dr. Brent Caplan:

Lupus and autoimmune recipes


Dr. Tiffany Caplan:

Simple Self Care for Autoimmunity


Jason Prall:

5 Foods for Gut Health, The Top 8 Secrets of the World’s Healthiest Longest Living Populations

Dr. Karin Bender-Gonser:

Meditation for healthy teeth


Dr. Andrea Pennington:

  1. Find out your ACE score (Adverse Childhood Experience score) with this free quiz 
  2. How to Escape Victim Mentality & Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind — Free Video series with Guided Meditation & LifeWriting exercise to identify the source of victim roles and to heal the original wounds.
  3. The 21-day Compassion Meditation Series includes guided audios, images and inspirational quotes each day, narrated by Dr. Andrea, to provide you with gentle healing practice of self-compassion


Dr. Katie & Eric Snow:

The Sugar Free Dessert Cookbook


Dr. Elson Haas:

Extract from The Detox Diet book


Dr. Shiroko Sokitch:

How to easily manage your stress and emotions – 5 secrets to deal with emotional stress


Jill Miller:

Free video program


Marisa Cranfill:

Guided Lotus Meditation


Dr. Timothy McCall:

117 Health Conditions Helped by Yoga

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Dr. Dan Pompa:

FREE Fasting Secrets eBook


Lee Yen Anderson:

In this valuable series of videos starting April 6 to April 14, I will walk you through each chakra more in depth. When you sign up for FREE, you will receive an email each weekday with links to 3 videos per Chakra. You will also be invited to a free group coaching call during the week. I hope to see you there! 

21 day video series on the chakras


Dr. Anna Cabeca:

Making Keto work for women over 40


Dr. Connie Jeon:

7 Day Yoga Alignment Bootcamp


David Lesondak:

Fascial syndromes

Fascia and the mind-body-connection

Please use code lesondakyin20 for 20% off a copy of David’s book Fascia: What it is and why it matters



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